JUNE 2020
In the wake of the murders of countless Black individuals, three students urge the Dean to make a public statement and additionally, to support Black community members. A statement is released two days later.
JUNE 2020
Dissatisfied with the Dean and the Faculty's response, a group of students writes a petition outlining six basic demands they wish the Faculty to take as preliminary steps towards supporting students and staff, in addition to a letter-writing campaign expressing their dissatisfaction and their experiences. These students, with the support of AIWG, MPOC, DWG, MISC, MUSSA, and ICWG, also craft a survey to hear from students on their experience at the iSchool.
JUNE 2020
130 people respond to the survey, and well over 550 people sign the petition.
Faculty begins to implement some of the asks from the petition.
The Museum Studies Program drafts an action plan and timeline.
Three students meet with the Provost, two Vice Provosts, and the Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs, Equity and Success to discuss the inadequacies at the the Faculty of Information and to ask that the Provosts ensure accountability.
Results of survey are published in A Report on Diversity and Inclusion Experiences at the Faculty of Information; virtual panel is held to discuss findings, which is attended by +120 people, including faculty members and members of the broader information profession community.